Sell more with evidence-based shop design
In the area of e-commerce in particular, it is important to address target groups in an authentic manner. Many online shops work technically, but do not offer a shopping experience. That is why we have set ourselves the goal of conquering the hearts and minds of your customers with creativity and strategic design.
From viewing the first page to submitting an order, visitors to your website have to make countless decisions that they are often not even aware of. We design each of these steps consistently according to user needs and carefully guide your customers to the conclusion of the purchase.
In the middle of Berlin-Kreuzberg, programming and design solutions for tailor-made e-commerce have been created for more than 15 years . It all started as the lead agency for the e-commerce pioneers Frontlineshop and later for the innovative startup of the OTTO Group yalook . From the small two-man shop to the international multi-channel provider such as bonprix , we have created many attractive online marketplaces that have repeatedly attracted enthusiastic people and led to millions of successful transactions.
A selection of marketplaces that we have helped to create from 2001 until today:
This is how the process works from your request to the start of the project:
We would be happy to work with you. Trust in our expertise and talk to us.